Worship & Word Wednesday | Defeating Depression

Season #1

Depression is a wide spread condition affecting millions of women. Suffering from depression brings on intense feelings of sadness, anger, hopelessness, fatigue. Feelings of being useless, loss of interest, or even lack of motivation.


If you are battling with depression and trying to lose weight, this could feel like a very big undertaking. 

What if you were to break free from depression? What could be possible for you? 


The bible tells us to be filled with joy and praise. 

Phillipians 4:4 & Romans 15:11


What this means for you is God intends for you to live a joyful life. 

It is not easy when you are battling with depression but as a woman of God you have remedies to get you through. These remedies are discussed in this episode. 


Let us come together in prayer to speak God's truth over you and let Jesus break you free from depression today!


Want to grab your 20 minute weight loss strategy session for March? Go here and send me an email - Website: www.ondrealynn.com 


Join me here, FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DivinelyHealthyWomen 


5 Day Christian Women's Detox - Lose 5lbs in 5 days while strengthening your relationship with the Lord: https://www.ondrealynn.com/christian-women-5-day-detox


Background music during prayer, Heavenly Song, is by Jennifer Paccione